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Urban Forest trees already have the odds set against them. They are planted and growing in an environment that is not ideal for natural healthy growth. Then, add construction projects and development on top of that, and the health of a tree can go from bad to worse in no time. To continue to live in and around our Urban Forest it will require a blend of infrastructure and tree life on the same property. Our team can help you experience, manage, preserve and enhance the best of both worlds.

Common Construction Damage

Physical damage to the trunk and limbs
Soil compaction from equipment and people
Root damage/loss
Unfavorable soil pore space
Soil erosion
Limited soil nutrients
Exhaust damage from equipment
Disease spread

Construction Damage Mitigation

ISA Certified Arborist Consultation before work begins
Physical barriers to protect trunks, limbs, and critical root zones
Root Enhancers before root damage/loss
Soil enhancers to decompact and improve poor Urban Soils
Proper plant selection and location
Proper work timing – to avoid disease spread
(RXC) Root Collar Excavation – for buried trunks and root zones.


Trunk injections are a great method of application for an array of tree health care services. The process is safe for the environment, effective for controlling pests, and a great way to protect your valuable Urban Forest assets! Here is how it works… Just like humans receive an IV when they visit their doctor, our tree doctors apply proper products directly into your tree’s vascular system. So what does this do for you and your tree?

You can be sure the product made it into the tree for an effective application.
No risk of off-target drifting.
Applications can be made in windy conditions.
Quickly dispersed throughout the tree’s vascular system for faster pest control.
Control can last up to 2-3 years with some applications.


There are many things that can be done by the homeowner to help ensure healthy trees and landscaping. Visit our learning center for techniques and tips that you can use at home.